Guide to Meditation Speech

Radhika Dadhich

The practice of meditation has gained phenomenal traction in recent times. It has benefits for speech and communication too.

In recent times, the many benefits of meditation have become evident. From relieving stress to improving concentration, people are quickly resorting to meditation as a resort for many problems. However, one of the very amazing but often overlooked advantages of meditation is that it helps in improving speech. The phenomenon of meditation speech is fascinating and has many intriguing facades. Interested to know more? Read ahead!

What is Meditation?

Simply put, meditation is a technique that entails paying attention to your brain, body and thoughts and your surroundings in a mindful and non-judgemental way. Meditation is proven to mitigate stress and anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and recovery. Furthermore, it helps improve cognitive and emotional skills, such as creativity, empathy, self-awareness and memory. 

Meditation, Speech and Communication - What Is the Connection?

Meditation is also beneficial in improving communication. It can help reduce the fear of public speaking and assist in the better management of stuttering.  

  • Mindfulness and Stuttering
    Many studies have examined the association between meditation, mindfulness, and stuttering. Mindfulness meditation attempts to make the practitioner more aware of their mental and physical state.
    Mindfulness may help you understand stuttering beyond words. You may see stuttering's sensory effects. What you do while stuttering becomes the starting phase of your cognitive and speech therapy. 


  • Meditation and Public Speaking
    Meditation can be an incredibly powerful tool for public speaking, especially if you often experience difficulties and distractions. If you are worried or tense during public speaking, breathe deeply and relax. Then, if you lose your train of thought, pause for a while and bring your attention back to your breath and then to the cue card or the note reminding yourself of all the main points. 


  • Meditation and Communication
    Mindfulness meditation can vehemently help you stay in the present and examine the reactions of the listeners. Practicing meditation can also empower you to determine the most appropriate way to relate to listeners and react accordingly. In addition, mindfulness meditation can also bolster your communication by shattering the vicious cycles of anticipation and stuttering. 

Wrapping It Up

So, there we have it, a crisp overview of meditation speech and how it affects communication. If you want to improve the way you talk to and listen to others, then being mindful can be a great first step. 

Summary: Mindfulness and meditation have multiple merits, including improvement in communication. Meditation can help deal with stutter and break free from the fear of public speaking.