Should You Eat Meat for Healthy Weight Loss?

Radhika Dadhich

Perex: Consuming certain types of meat is great for weight loss. But, are beef jerky, sausages , ham, etc also equally beneficial? Join us, as we explore the answers!

Obesity is one of the most prevalent medical conditions worldwide. According to the latest statistics, 1 in 8 people in the world are living with obesity and the global adult obesity has more than doubled since 1990. These numbers are extremely concerning and compel us to think about where humanity is heading in terms of lifestyle and diets. 

If you are inching towards obesity and have experienced rapid weight gain recently, then now is the time to take proactive measures. Charity begins at home and the first step you should take to lose weight is to change your diet. However, the persistence of dietary misinformation and myths can make it difficult to make the right choices for your weight loss journey. In this blog, we will answer the question - is meat (steak, brisket or beef jerky) healthy for weight loss?

Meat’s Correlation to Weight Loss

Chicken breast, turkey, beef, and pork are excellent sources of high-quality protein. When you opt for a protein-rich diet and keep your calorie intake balanced (consuming fewer calories than your Basal Metabolic Rate), then you can see benefits vis-a-vis weight, especially in the short term. 

Some of the advantages of a meat-rich, protein-heavy diet for weight loss include -

  • Better Satiety

Consuming high-quality sources of protein like chicken breast and pork keeps you fuller on fewer calories. Thus, the munch of something else decreases.

  • Greater Thermic Effect

It takes more energy to metabolize and store protein than other macronutrients, which may help increase the energy (calories) you burn each day.

  • Improved Body Composition

Thirdly, protein consumption can also keep your body’s lean muscle intact, even during weight loss. 

Having said that, it is essential to remember that the keywords here are ‘lean meat,’ and ‘high-quality’ protein. Red meat like beef can contribute to weight gain. 

The Truth about Processed Meat and Read Meat

Processed red meat like bacon, beef jerky, sausages, and salami are not good for weight loss. They are much higher in calories, saturated fats and sodium compared to leanser and less-processed cuts of red meat like tenderloin. So, you should avoid them if you are on a weight loss journey.  


So, there we have it, an answer to the question - is meat (steak, brisket, or beef jerky) healthy for weight loss! Certain leaner cuts of red meat, such as sirloin steak, lean ground beef, and tenderloin, can be a great addition into your weight loss diet, provided that you consume them in moderation. However, processed red meat is an absolute no no!


There is a lot of misinformation regarding meat consumption and its correlation to weight loss. Lean protein and leaner red meat is a good choice for weight loss. But, processed red meat like beef jerky and sausages are not.